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Ordnance Survey and the Forestry Commision

At the start of the week I decided to try to collect some information together regarding the Forestry Commisions' owned woodland and map that data so we can see the scale and find out which ones are locally owned.

There's more information on my blog here but this is the result:

This shows all the forests across the UK managed by Forestry Commision, only the ones in England are going under the hammer, for the moment... There are about 1100 areas shown, I'm missing about 50 which I had trouble getting data for.

The data used in the map can be download here, it consits of:

You might also like to get hold of the original data in CSV format which holds around 3300 places altogether - forests are repeated several times - it also includes a raw description of the forest (something I might use later). This 3 MB file can be download here, it consists of:

Thanks to Ordance Survey for the great map, Seamus McGill for his icon and Ward De Ridder for his image.

© 2011, New as of: 29th January 2011